“Most of you don’t like your friends” – Female barber exposes truth on male friendships

A female barber has come out to expose hidden truths about male friendships from her observation.

The barber posted this on the social media platform, X, on her account @Adaugo_Odera, in rebuttal of another user, who tweeted that women friendships are characterized by fighting.

She immediately took to correcting this narrative, exposing the truth she has been privileged to learn since she became a barber.

In her tweet she said;

“Being a Barber amongst other things has kept me in the midst of guys a lot. Most of you don’t like your friends
You just shout BLOOD, BROTHERLY up and down. LIARS”

Female barber exposes the truth on male friendships

She also added that the men will tell their girlfriends not to associate with the so-called “blood”, talking about them when they ask for financial assistance, while taking their drinks with them wherever they go.

She added that whenever they are in her Barber shop and they receive calls from their male friends, they squeeze their faces before answering “Chairman” in pretense.

Female barber exposes the truth on male friendships

Many people have commented on her observation.

See below:

@lifeofabaron_ said: Lmao say na “Being a Barber” . You can roll with guys all your life and still have zero insight on the bro code.

@iam_apeiron said: You dey barb. Doesnt give you insight into nothing😂 How many friends dey go barb hair together? You probably seeing guys who just know themselves and you conclude they are friends because the idea of greeting acquaintances warmly is alien to you.

@Coldblooded_JS said: Most people do not know the difference between “friend” and “acquaintance” so many men make the mistake of calling acquaintances friends. Come back to this when you see real male friendships

@timmyjhoe said: Maybe it’s the amongst other things that you get to hear a lot…No guy!!! I repeat no man would go and discuss his friends/family at a salon. It’s either you jest with the barber, or you discuss football or something random like crypto, music and the likes.

@FerrzAk wrote: Why una dey convulse under this tweet? Most of you don’t like your friends is a simple English..She said you shout Blood and Brotherly but murmur a different thing before you pick their calls..Meaning- Women n Men have bad friends..It might not be you but it happens..Zuike!

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