Following the controversy surrounding the alleged disappearance of ₦180 million from the NGO account owned by activist VeryDarkMan (VDM), there has been significant online backlash. Many influencers and celebrities have criticized VDM, with some casting doubts on his integrity and others expressing disappointment in him.
This reaction isn’t entirely unexpected, given the outspoken nature of VDM’s activism.
In response, VeryDarkMan addressed the issue to defend his reputation. He provided an update, revealing that the NGO account has now grown by an additional ₦1 million as supporters continue to contribute despite the rumors.
In his video, VDM explained exactly what happened, revealing that the claims of the missing ₦180 million were part of a prank he orchestrated. He detailed how the prank was meant to test the reactions of fans and Nigerians, many of whom fell for the claim.
As a show of appreciation, VDM announced a ₦200,000 giveaway to a donor who paid ₦1,000 into the account. He explained that the gesture was to thank the individual for their trust and belief in him, even amidst the rumors.
Watch the video to hear VDM’s full updates and details about the NGO funds.